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Ria Formosa Natural Park Dune Vegetation

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Tour Algarve Travel Guide Algarve beautiful places to visit in the vicinity of the parish of Querença the municipality of Loulé: Information and photos of the Nature of the Algarve Portugal

Covering Cocelhos of Vila Real de Santo António, Tavira, Olhão, Faro and Loulé, we have the Natural Park of Ria Formosa

Natural Park of Ria Formosa - Dune Vegetation

The conditions of formation and dynamics of geomorphological dunes show that these structures are unstable. The proximity of the sea acts as a highly selective factor in the establishment and growth of vegetation. Apparently simple, this medium is actually quite complex and precarious. It is no coincidence that on the side facing the sea, is seen as very poor flora: the coastal plants are subject to strong winds laden with salt particles, the luminosity, the temperature ranges that go from the scorching sun of summer to the bitter cold winter. This causes considerable transpiration in the plant, which, combined with high permeability soil dune, leaving quickly infiltrate the water that falls on it, irremediably condemned to a hostile xerophytic, ie an environment where conditions prevail dryness. To this we must resist, to survive. And indeed psammophytes plants that live in the sand near the Beaches, because they have developed adaptations to survive more or less great as to prevent excessive losses above the water. However, not only against drying the plant to fight, she also has to deal with the burial, when strong winds or constant from the sea, pushing the sand from the beach inland.

A first dune facing us, or call anteduna dune age, relatively low and highly unstable, show, the part facing the sea and near the upper limit of the tides, an association of Cakile maritima Scop. and Salsola kali L.; have more to the top, Elymus farctus (Viv.) RUNEMARCK EX MELDERIS and sometimes paralias Euphorbia L. and E. Peplis L. The vegetation in this narrow band is very sparse and the wind moves easily with sand, which drags the interior, despite the short distance implemented at the new location where they are deposited is more welcoming, less severely suffer the effects of wind and the breeze gets there less salt. Conditions are created, if not favorable, at least more favorable for the establishment of other plants, in turn, these will, in various ways, retain more sand. Along with Elymus farctus now comes another great edifying of dunes and pioneer in its colonization: Ammophila arenaria (L.) LINK, commonly called chargeback. Accompany it even Euphorbia paralias and can already see here in the lambs from the beach, Otanthus maritimus (L.) Hoffmanns. & LINK. So the dune grows, the floristic composition rich and varied.

Reversal (Ammophila arenaria)

lambs to the beach (Otanthus maritimus)

Reached the top can be found Calystegia soldanella (L.) R. BR., Whose seeds, very heavy, they penetrate easily, thus offsetting the adverse conditions for the survival of the species, Lotus creticus L., Eryngium maritimum L., L. Crucianella maiítima Pancratium maritimum L., together with Ammophila arenaria which, incidentally, grows all over the side, stands more or less dense, as the area where he settled.

On the inside of the dune and interdune following it, on land already finally determined, along with some of the other species already mentioned are in addition to the list of psammophytes: Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. DON FIL., Pseudorlaya pumila (L.) GRANDE, Thymus carnosus Boiss., Armeria pungens (Link) Hoffmanns. & LINK, Artemisia campestris L. subsp. maritima ARCANGELI, Anthemis maritima L., Corynephorus canescens (L.), Beauv., Linaria lamarckii Rouy and L. pedunculata (L.) Chaz., Reichard Cadiz (Willk.) COUT. Silene nicaeensis or ALL., that to mention only the most abundant and conspicuous. It will not be emphasized enough that Thymus carnosus is a Portuguese endemic, that is, this plant is only in Portugal and here only in the Alentejo and Algarve. It's that little green tuft of dark-sized amoitado that, more than any other plant of the dunes, where crushed leaves around an intense and pleasant perfume somewhat similar to lavender.

Thymus carnosus

The set of interdune sands provide good conditions for the growth of prostrate, the root system rather short, generally smaller leaves, which spread in large round spots. Examples Paronychia argentea Lam., Ononis variegata L., Medicago littoralis Loisel. Polygonum maritimum L. or Hypecoum procumbens L., another species that occurs only in the Algarve. No limit on the understory should be highlighted monelli Anagallis L., prostrate beautiful flowers bright blue, sparta Linaria (L.) Willd., Scrophularia frutescens L., Cleome violacea L. Corrigiola littoralis L. Aetheorhiza bulbous (L .) CASS. and Pycnocomon rutifolium (VAHL) Hoffmanns. & LINK, this also confined to the Algarve and a few more places on the Mediterranean Europe.

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Magniwork Energy internet scam

Internet fraudsters are raking in thousands of dollars a day with an elaborate scam selling magnetic perpetual motion machines that are claimed to produce infinite free energy.

Since spring this year an operation called Magniwork has been selling a $50 DIY guide to building a perpetual motion device at home. On their web-site the fraudsters claim the materials are available in any local hardware store for less than $100. One estimate puts sales of the guide as high as 5,000 copies a month, making the scam worth up to $3m a year.

The claims for Magniwork are advanced via an extensive Google advertising campaign, and a network of blogs, web-sites and reviews endorsing the product. They are given further credibility by a clip of film from Sky News Australia about plans for a similar product made by a legitimate if optimistic research company called Lutec. Lutec patented its technology in 19 countries in 1999, but the product has still not seen the light of day. Off-Grid has discovered that the clip is over 8 years old.

Perpetual motion machine

Magniwork which describes its product as ‘a magnetic power generator’ claims to have invented a revolutionary off-grid power source that uses magnets to “power itself and create energy by itself, without requiring solar energy, heat, water, coal or any kind of resource.” The web-site promises the device will generate perpetual energy which will “fully power your home for free.”

However even the idea of such a device is dismissed by trained physicists. “The little explanation they give on their website makes no sense to me,” said Gunnar Pruessner, a lecturer in physics at Imperial College London. “For starters it breaks with all we know about quantum physics since Dirac, which says that we cannot tap into zero point fluctuations or virtual particles.”

Priceless IP

He observed that if the claims were true, they would mark the biggest advance in science ever. “It would bring a world-wide socio-economic revolution with incalculable political consequences. So you have to ask why are they scuzzing around selling their priceless IP (intellectual property) for a few dollars?”

Made in Macedonia

The site gives no way of contacting Magniwork -other than to order the guide. But its legal disclaimer reveals that despite the .com web address which suggests a US-based company, Magniwork is in fact located in Macedonia, a tiny republic on the northern border of Greece in Europe. “This Agreement shall all be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Macedonia applicable to agreements made and to be performed in Macedonia,” it reads. It has similarly proved difficult to identify the individuals behind the scheme. But one researcher claims to have written to the site’s web-master who referred in his reply to a man simply called “Igor”, the manual’s publisher.

Kernel of truth

Angry customers admit that the guide does contain kernels of truth. “Some of the suggestions in the e-book can reduce your home power consumption. For example, checking for air leaks, have better home insulation, servicing your air-conditioning unit or heate etc,”wrote one. But is it essentially amateurish and misleading, they say. “The whole “document” is 57 pages long and looks like something a kid in high school put together. The final “generator” is basically a magnet that is 2″ high sitting on a turntable that is 4″ high! They claim that its output is 24.5 Watts! That is 1/100th of what my house uses when the AC is on. It wouldn’t put out enough power to light up a standard light bulb,“ wrote another angry blogger. Fraudulent

Alternative energy expert Sterling D. Allan founder of The New Energy Congress has examined Magniwork’s claims. “Most of the 50+ page manual contains energy conservation tips that are based on well-established principles,” he said. But he points out that plans for the device are freely available elsewhere, they are based on other people’s work and he claims to have tried to contact people offering testimonials, without success. “The wording on their site still gives the reader the idea that the plans will result in a working free energy device but that is not the case. Such representation is fraud,” he concluded.

Although highly implausible, the idea of somehow harvesting magnetic power has intrigued scientists for over a century. It was first suggested by pioneering physicist Nicola Tesla in the nineteenth century. Australian company Lutec is still trying to perfect such a device. And U.S based based Magnetic Power Inc, headed by Mark Goldes, has claimed to be on the verge of launching a ‘Magnetic Power Module’ for at least six years. There is no suggestion that either Lutec or MPI are part of the scam.